Campaign House Rules

1.  Replacement Characters:  There will be NO exceptions to this moving forward.

The only characters that can be brought back from prior campaigns are from Rise of the Runelords or Curse of the Crimson Throne.  If you die:
A new character will be required or 
an old one from this campaign or
an old one from the noted campaigns which are below the average party level
New characters may be: 
1st level OR 
two levels below the average party rounded down (and never higher than the lowest level PC).  

2.  Hit Point rolls.  for levels 2 through 5, 2 dice may be rolled and you can take the higher of the two.  from attaining 6th level and beyond, only one  roll is made.

3. Firing into combat.  This is a relaxation of a previous house rule.  This can be done as per the Core rulebook  EXCEPT that: 

If you miss, you will then need to roll to see which random piece in direct base combat AND in melee with the original target.  You will then make a separate roll to hit that piece. 
IF you have the precise shot feat you do not make this roll, even if that could be beneficial. 
When a target is large or bigger, this house rule does not apply.

4.  Elves don't automatically see secret doors, though they do get a bonus to spot them.